Purple grapes are also called autumn grapes. They are very delicious fruits. They are small in size and have a lot of water. Eating some purple grapes in moderation can effectively promote appetite. And purple grapes contain vitamin B, vitamin C and other nutrients, which can enhance the body's immunity.

Purple grape can be called the beauty king of the fruit world. Its pulp, juice and seeds contain many nutrients that are beneficial to the skin. It has anti-oxidation, anti-wrinkle and anti-wrinkle effects, and can also moisturize the skin and make the complexion brighter. In addition, the polyphenols contained in grapes can protect the skin, regenerate the skin, and make the skin more elastic.

There are also many beauty and skin care products about grapes in the market, which occupy the majority, such as purple grape puree, grape seed essential oil and so on. It should be noted that whether it is the original slurry or the essential oil, the packaging is very particular, and it is usually stored in dark glass bottles, such as dark brown, brown and other colors, and the color packaging is dark. This can be effectively preserved, otherwise it will easily deteriorate.

When eating purple grapes every day, pay attention to cleaning in place, so as to avoid external bacteria damage to the stomach. Soaking edible salt in salt water has the effect of sterilization and disinfection. Before cleaning the grapes, we can put the grapes into the basin, connect the appropriate amount of water, and sprinkle the appropriate amount of edible salt. The soaking time does not need to be too long, about 20 minutes, and after soaking, rinse it with water several times, and then it is safe to eat.

If there are too many ripe grapes at home to eat, you can also make grape juice, which is sweet and delicious after iced. The required materials are 1000 grams of grapes, 150 grams of rock sugar, and 2000 ml of water. First, put 2000 ml of water and 150 grams of rock sugar into the pot, and put a curtain on it that can leak liquid. Next, place the cleaned grapes on the curtain. Turn on the fire, turn the heat down to low when the water boils. Third, when the grapes have burst and the grape juice is completely dripped into the pot, about half an hour, turn off the heat. Fourth, take out the grapes, and then take out the curtain. The pot has formed a beverage, pour it into a sealed beverage bottle, and enjoy it chilled.