Dark chocolate is pure chocolate, unlike milk chocolate. Dark chocolate is lower in fat, less salt, and more sugar than milk chocolate. Dark chocolate can meet the body's needs for a variety of nutrients.

What are the edible benefits of dark chocolate?

Lower blood pressure.

It is best for people to eat low-sugar dark chocolate, because ordinary chocolate is high in sugar and fat, and it is also high in calories, making it the enemy of high blood pressure patients.

lose weight.

Dark chocolate burns some fat and calories in your body during digestion and absorption. To master the correct way of eating, eat some dark chocolate in moderation (up to 50 grams per day), you will not gain weight, or even lose weight.

Make people smarter.

Eating foods like chocolate can improve thinking skills and provide short-term cognitive improvements.

Fight against colds.

This ability is only available to men.

Moisturize skin.

After three months, women's skin was more hydrated and smoother, and sun-induced hyperpigmentation and dandruff symptoms improved.

Improve wrinkles.

According to the Seoul National University Research Center in South Korea, chocolate can help improve skin wrinkles and make the skin more elastic.

Food taboo.

Do not eat before bed.

Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which can arouse the body's senses, and eating before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Also, chocolate can easily release a lot of heat. Eating before going to bed will cause blood sugar to rise, and the blood sugar that cannot be consumed will be converted into fat and stored, which is not good for the body.

Don't eat too much at one time.

Dark chocolate contains a lot of fat and lacks the cellulose that stimulates normal stomach motility. Excessive consumption can affect the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract and cause headaches.

Maternal fasting.

Chocolate contains theobromine, which may penetrate into breast milk and be absorbed by the baby after pregnant women eat it, and accumulate in the baby's body, which will have an adverse effect on the baby's development.

How to eat dark chocolate for weight loss.

Eat half an hour before meals.

The caffeine in dark chocolate can suppress appetite. Choosing to eat before meals can reduce the amount of food, so as to achieve the purpose of losing weight, and generally eat before three meals.

Eat three hours after meals.

Because the blood sugar in the human body will reach the lowest point 3-4 hours after a normal meal, that is to say, it is necessary to add an appropriate amount of energy in time to quickly relieve hunger, so as not to cause the body to feel uncomfortable due to low blood sugar. It is best to eat at this time.

Eat half an hour before exercise.

Eating dark chocolate half an hour before exercise can increase the glycogen reserves in the muscles, which is also more conducive to improving exercise performance. It can also save glycogen consumption, relieve fatigue, and restore glycogen after long-term exercise.

Take advantage of it now.