Strawberries are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. Strawberries contain 60 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. Strawberries have a sweet taste and can be made into a variety of delicious beverages, making them very popular.

Refreshing soda water can make hot summer more comfortable and refreshing. Next, I will introduce how to make strawberry soda water.

First, wash the strawberries, cut them into suitable sizes, and then wash the fresh mint leaves.

After that, pour the honey mint leaves and soda water into the prepared glass and stir well (mint leaves need to be squeezed properly).

Finally, put the cut strawberries into the glass described in step 2, stir and roll the strawberries properly, and let it stand for 20 minutes. You can also add some honey at the end to adjust the acidity and taste better!

In addition, strawberry milk tea is also a delicious drink made from strawberries. The required materials are: strawberry jam 15g; black tea 150ml; fresh cream 100g; cream cheese 15g; salt 2g.

To make strawberry milk tea, first boil the black tea with hot water, when the water temperature drops to about 60°C, add the strawberry jam, stir well, and pour it into a cup. Be careful not to overfill and leave some space behind for the milk cap.

Second, melt the cream cheese at room temperature, add the whipped cream and salt and beat until 50% fluffy. The cream is soft and smooth, and the taste will be smooth and rich. Salt and sugar can be increased or decreased according to personal preference.

Third, pour the milk cap into the top of the strawberry black tea, and you're done. You can also put decorations on the lid, such as mint leaves, sliced strawberries, or any tidbits you like. Be careful to pour gently, don't get the cream all over the place, which is wasteful and difficult to clean up.

Finally, with strawberry scones, it is a warm and sweet afternoon tea. When drinking tea, you can also take a bite of strawberry pulp, which is very happy.

In addition to the above two drinks, strawberries can also be paired with pineapples to make fruit tea. Not only delicious, but also rich in vitamins! To make fruit tea, you need half a pineapple, an appropriate amount of strawberries, and a pack of black tea. First cut the strawberry in half, peel and dice the pineapple. Next, put diced pineapple and diced strawberries into the teapot. Finally, add black tea bags, pour in boiling water and steep for 10 minutes, or heat for 5 minutes before drinking. You can add some honey to taste if you like.