In modern society, with the increasing popularity of air travel, people are increasingly relying on flying as their primary mode of transportation.

However, despite continuous improvements in aviation safety, accidents still occur from time to time.

To ensure the safety of passengers, every traveler should be aware of some simple yet important flight safety knowledge. Let's take a look at how to ensure your safety and that of others during flights.

1. Open sun visors during takeoff and landing

The period with the highest probability of aviation accidents is 13 minutes during takeoff and landing.

Opening the sun visor allows flight attendants and passengers to observe the external environment, such as whether there is an engine fire or if the landing gear is detached. Additionally, it allows people outside to see the situation inside the cabin and judge how to evacuate.

2. Place carry-on bags under the seat

Putting the carry-on bag under the seat is for safety evacuation considerations. Flight attendants remind passengers throughout the flight not to place their carry-on luggage on their laps, seats, or under their feet, as the bag may slide into the aisle or injure passengers during turbulent airflow, affecting evacuation.

3. Avoid sharp objects during evacuation

During evacuation, do not carry luggage or sharp objects. Remove high-heeled shoes and belts with pointed studs because inflatable slides may be punctured, affecting the evacuation of passengers behind.

4. No Strong Odors Allowed Onboard

Items with strong or distinctive odors, such as durians, are prohibited on the aircraft and cannot be checked in.

5. No bare feet allowed on the plane

This is to prevent foot odor from affecting other passengers and to avoid injuries in emergencies during emergency evacuations.

6. Pilots must be clean-shaven

Some airlines explicitly state that pilots must be clean-shaven because long beards can hinder the wearing of oxygen masks during emergencies, leading to safety accidents.

7. No water allowed on planes

There have been several air disasters caused by liquid items: In 2002, a passenger ignited a flammable liquid onboard, causing the flight to crash, and in 2003, someone hijacked a flight using a flammable liquid. Since then, aviation authorities have gradually increased restrictions on the boarding of liquid items.

8. It's best to wear flat shoes on the plane

During the journey, it's best to wear soft, flexible, flat shoes. Not only are your feet comfortable, but in case of emergencies requiring evacuation, flat shoes are much lighter than high heels and less likely to cause sprains during airport rushes.

Every detail in flight can be related to safety. From pre-flight preparation to cooperation during the flight to vigilance after landing, every step requires our attention and cooperation. Following flight regulations, and obeying the instructions of the crew is not only responsible for oneself but also respecting the safety of others' lives. Let's work together to ensure the safety of every flight and enjoy the beauty of the journey.