Ficus microcarpa, sometimes called the Indian banyan or the strangler fig, is a non-native tree to tropical Asia.

Because of its very widely spread-out root system and aerial roots, it becomes one of the most dramatic and memorable features for many landscapes.

Botanical Characteristics

It is an evergreen, large tree growing up to 30 meters. The leaves of the plant are leathery in texture, usually oval, and glossy. The plant produces small green flowers, which in turn are followed by small, minute, edible fruits.

Growth and Development

Another special feature of the banyan tree is its manner of growth. It begins life as an epiphyte plant growing on another plant. The banyan sends down aerial roots until they reach the ground and anchor. These may develop into stout trunks and branches to form a wide-spreading canopy covering an area of several square yards. In this manner, the original host tree has often been completely smothered by the "strangler fig."

Environmental Importance

It plays a very essential ecological role, such as offering shades that provide shelter to wildlife; its big root system prevents soil erosion. The banyan trees contribute to a healthy environment also by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

The Amazing Banyan Tree in Lahaina, Maui. Hawaii

Video by Shoots Productions

Famous Banyan Trees

Some of the more famous banyan trees are found throughout the world, including:

Banyan Tree, Kolkata, India: It is a huge tree, estimated to be more than 250 years old with an area of more than 14,000 square meters.

Banyan Tree, Lahaina, Hawaii: This tree is a great tourist attraction and is believed to be over 200 years old.

Banyan Tree, Fort Lauderdale, Florida: One of the biggest in the United States, this banyan tree is well-appreciated as a picnic site and a relaxing place to spend time under its shade.

The Ficus microcarpa or banyan tree is an incredibly remarkable plant. From the highly spread-out root system to the grand canopy above, this banyan tree can be said to be a representation of strength, endurance, and resistance. Whether you are in love with nature or merely someone looking for a soothing spot to hang around, the banyan tree is for you to explore!